After the fire trucks leave, your home likely suffers from fire and smoke damage and extensive water damage from firefighting efforts. SERVPRO Franchise Professionals possess specialized training in fire restoration, equipping them to restore your home to its pre-fire condition swiftly.

Dealing with the Aftermath

Few experiences are as traumatic as a fire in your home, threatening your family’s sense of security. A fire can swiftly bring enterprise operations to a halt, impacting the business and its customers. Uncontrollable wildfires can wreak havoc on communities.

The Scale of the Issue

Every 65 seconds, the National Fire Protection Association receives reports of structure fires. Emergency responders and fire departments promptly answer the call for help, taking quick and decisive action. Once the smoke clears, BELFOR’s fire restoration services team stands ready to assist with the same rapid response – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Immediate Response for Effective Recovery

The first 24 to 48 hours after fire damage are crucial for recovery. An effective emergency response that quickly stabilizes the facility ensures the recovery of as much property as possible. The acidic soot and smoke produced during fire extinguishing accelerate the deterioration and corrosion of building components and vital assets. Compounding the issue, fires are often extinguished using dry chemicals or water. Moreover, the toxic smoke odor left behind requires neutralization and deodorization.

Fire Restoration Process

Mitigating damage, providing smoke damage cleanup, and water restoration must occur promptly after the damage first occurs. Beyond visible structural damage, contents within the structure must undergo evaluation for recovery based on several factors, including:

  • Replacement Cost vs. Restoration Cost
  • Effect of Smoke and Heat
  • Loss of Use
  • Loss of Value
  • Decreased Life Expectancy
  • Sentimental Value

Comprehensive Fire Restoration Services

BELFOR’s fire restoration services encompass emergency board-up, demolition, application of soot removal film, thermal deodorization to mitigate smoke damage, and complete reconstruction. You can rely on WND’s fire damage restoration services to promptly respond to your call.

Fire Restoration

If you are considering a fire restoration project, look no further than our team of experienced professionals. With our attention to detail and commitment to quality, we will make your vision a reality. Contact us at 214-773-8508 or email for more information.